02.12.2024. Between You and the Land of Your Heart
“You must go in the quest of yourself, and you will find yourself again in the simple and forgotten things.” –Carl Jung
In the holy place between you and the land of your heart there is a space. In that space lives your personal prayers, your private tears, and your perfect offering that awaits your warmth and care. Awaits, patiently for you to bring your inspiration out into the world. Go to that land, look there. Risk to sit and listen there. Ask the question, what does love want from me? Scribe what you hear.
This is the heart medicine needed of our time. The next evolutionary step– the quest to find yourself again in the simple and forgotten things. Find that, what reverberates an unshakeable quiet knowing on your insides, and offer that out to the world. Then safeguard it with a fierce mother-protection from things that threaten it, displace it, refuse its entry from the outside and inside–all the ways on our interior that we habitually close off, destroy, disappear, pack away our hearts due to old pains, hurts, unresolved worries and sorrows. The old patterns that no longer serve, that were never native to our tender hearts.
I am aware that in the Christian tradition the season of Lent is near. I am pondering what 40 day journey am I ready to embark on to ‘rend my heart’ more open.
Today is Metta Monday
When: 2pm
Where: 1765 Glenview Road, Glenview in the Patio Shops
Cost: No Fee. Donations and poems appreciated
Where two or more are gathered something beautiful grows.
Love, Wini
PS. Below. 8 Heart Offerings: 1 Heart Advice. 2 Quotes. 1 Book. 1 Lent Offering. 1 Video. 1 Retreat Opportunity. 3 spots open for Healing “Vessel!
Heart Advice - Pema Chodron
Stop Hiding from Yourself
“Although it is embarrassing and painful, it is very healing to stop hiding from yourself. It is healing to know all the ways that you’re sneaky, all the ways that you hide out, all the ways that you shut down, deny, close off, criticize people, all your weird little ways. You can know all that with some sense of humor and kindness. By knowing yourself, you’re coming to know humanness altogether. We are all up against these things. We are all in this together. So when you realize that you’re talking to yourself, label it “thinking” and notice your tone of voice. Let it be compassionate and gentle and humorous. Then you’ll be changing old stuck patterns that are shared by the whole human race. Compassion for others begins with kindness to ourselves.”
–Excerpt from: Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living by Pema Chodron
Two Quotes
“We have all known the long loneliness and we have learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with community.” ―Dorothy Day
“There is in you something that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself… that is the only true guide that you will ever have.” – Howard Thurman
One Book - Bell Hooks
All About Love: New Visions by Bell Hooks.
“Do not expect to receive the love from someone else you do not give to yourself…The light of love is always in us, no matter how cold the flame. It is always present, waiting for the spark to ignite, waiting for the heart to awaken.”
– Bell Hooks
“Prayer is a space of reckless abandonment. We can tell all to a listening God who will not judge. Whenever my faith has been shaken, prayer is my anchor. In conversation with God I renew my spirit.”
– Bell Hooks, from the book, all divine love: prayers for now and always
One Video Dr Douglas Tallamy Nature's Best Hope Jan 6 2023 (1:37:14)
A powerful watch. An Important watch. Opened my eyes. If you’re concerned about doing something good for the environment, your part no matter how big or small, this is a conservation that starts in your own yard, on your deck, even on a balcony–wherever you can cultivate a garden—a place of hope will grow and you will find that we can all make a difference right in our yards!
Important links to know about:
Native Plant Finder
Homegrown National Park
Book: Nature's Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation That Starts in Your Yard
A Lent Offering - A Summons to Live Anew with Joan Chittiser
A Summons to Live Anew by Joan Chittister, offers reflections on the readings for each Sunday of Lent, as well as Palm Sunday and Easter. Poetry, quotations, and questions to prompt your own reflection are presented here, too, guiding you to Easter with renewed hope and courage.
This is EXCLUSIVELY available as a downloadable PDF that you can print off at home.
Cost $6.00.
Check out this site https://joanchittister.org/shop/downloadables/lent-2024-summons-live-anew
Only 3 Spots Left! | Evening Healing Vessel. Sacred Soul Time.
I will be offering an evening Healing Vessel with my dear friend Julie Fedeli. Healing vessel is a time for quiet. a place to receive the sacred. to nourish the soul. to tend to the energy body. to live and rest into the question…What is my treasure?
When: Tuesday, Feb 20 6-8pm.
Cost: $60
Where: 1765 Glenview Road in the Patio Shops, where we gather for Metta Monday
Space: limited to 10 people.
How do you reserve your space?
email Gina at ginadivito1@gmail.com
One Space Open | Retreat July 31- August 4, 2024 in Montana
Embodiment: Tending to the Body, Breath & Soul Spiritual Hiking Retreat.
We have room for one more! There is one bed available on my summer Montana retreat with my dear soul companions, exquisite teachers, Megan Dunne Krouse and Courtney Riley.
This will be gorgeous-time. Time for you to rest, to be. Soak in the silence of mountain time. Listen to your gorgeousness of soul time. There will be generous time for yoga, resting, meditation, writing, hiking, creativity, ritual and nothing in particular-spacious time.
If your heart has been calling you to re-treat. Come join us! And what a gorgeous treat to give yourself– taking refuge in mountains with sacred others. Email Courtney at courtneyrileyyoga@gmail.com
🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Have a blessed day 💖 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸