01.6.2025. The Divine’s Next Echo
from sorrow + om
pronounced [sawr-om]
– Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, Unfolding
Sorrom is a word poet Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer made-up for the kind of praise that rises up out of the most difficult moments of life. The moments when we are in the thick of it, wholly lost in the darkest of nights, struggling, wrestling, and being wrestled by life. The moments when we stop, fall to our knees and surrender to what is. When we empty out our pockets of all the extra heavy weighted things; shame, blame, and self-cruelty. When we lay splayed open, cut by a sliver of moonlight, surprised by the only sound to be heard in the silent crackle of the snow muffled night is our own voice in yielding prayer.
Here, if om is the primordial sound of the universe, the first root melody of the dawn of creation. The sacred syllable, the cosmic dance that initiated the big bang, universe into form, the first creation of God’s. And if sorrow is deep distress, sadness, or regret especially for the loss of someone or something. What if the Divine’s next echo birthed out from the hum of a holy lament? Birthed from the utterance of God’s aloneness, desire and longing for intimacy, to be known and known. What if this is the sacred hymn we humans are formed from.
What if we knew this, that we are a gift from the Universe.
A galaxy of stars colliding, born from a primordial om formed our bones,
a holy desire. A sacred scripture. A comet in the air.
A belly laughter praise of God’s.
🌸 May the offerings below be warmth and care for your heart: 2 Poems. 3 Quotes. 1 Wish. 1 Join Us. 1 Closing Song + lovely links sprinkled throughout to explore.
🌸 Two Poems to Share
HAPPY NEW YEAR | Donna Ashworth
When I say ‘happy new year’,
I’m not for a moment,
expecting this to occur,
for that is not possible,
a year must be all things.
Happiness must come and go,
like the tides and the winds,
just as sadness,
and all the emotions in between.
When I say ‘happy new year’,
I’m really wishing you,
a baseline of peace,
of gratitude.
Because if you can sit with these things,
for the most part,
happiness will thrive,
when it does arrive,
and sadness will know its place in the mix.
If you can nourish these things,
you will also grow hope,
for it flourishes in such soil.
And hope is the key,
to this enigmatic state
of ‘happiness’ we seek.
When I say ‘happy new year’,
I’m really wishing you more happy days,
than sad days,
more joy than misery,
more laughter than tears . . .
and the wisdom to accept,
that they all belong.
The Only Thing That Makes Sense | Julia Fehrenbacher
is to hold it all tenderly—
as if it can break, as if it won't be here forever,
as if the moment that is this moment
will give you everything if you let it.
The only thing that makes sense is to celebrate
the exactness of you, to take your own face
in your own hands and declare yourself worthy,
to wrap arms around the orphaned parts
that didn't fit, didn't follow, refused to march in straight little lines.
The only thing that makes sense
is to make art that is your art, art that swings, sways,
tangos its way through every midnight, as if life, this very exact,
disappearing life, depends on it. To scatter
kindness-confetti until walls become wings,
hard melts to soft, not-enough
becomes a feast of fabulous plenty—
a wild, belly-laughing celebration
where every tender, breakable thing
is invited, invited to the moment that is this
moment, the moment that will give you everything
if you let it.
🌿 this seems to be the only thing that makes good sense these days, truly wishing others more happy days than sad, more belly-laughter than tears, more butter soft kindness than crazy-making fear, even though we know this is how it goes in this realm of being human, “We laugh, we weep, we hope, we fear, and that's the burden of the year.” it is filled with tender breakable things and the world goes on, as do we, wrecked holy and whole.
🌸 Three Quotes | Sam Harris. Michael Leunig. Andrea Gibson
“Take a moment to feel how lucky you are–you get another day to live on this earth.” — Sam Harris
“Love one another and you will be happy.” It’s as simple and as difficult as that. There is no other way.” — Michael Leunig, an Australian cartoonist, writer, painter, philosopher and poet. explore his poems and prayers here
”When we hate ourselves, we suck all of the air and light out of the room of our being. And nothing can grow without air and light. My therapist says that shame is the least energized, least alive state we will ever experience. But love and acceptance are accelerants for growth….As I reflect on this journey, I see that true healing requires integration, not rejection. The path to becoming more open doesn’t lie in casting aside the versions of ourselves we no longer wish to be. It lies in honoring them, thanking them, and embracing them with tenderness. Each version of us is a stepping stone, a necessary chapter in the unfolding story of who we are." — Andrea Gibson, someone to know about and her substack Things That Don't Suck, an authentic read.
🌿 Give a listen to her here reading her prose-poem, Tincture (4:32 min), with its poignant ending of the indescribable landscape of awe.
🌸 Something to Take to the Bone | One Wish…“What one wish will you make this year? (you needn’t reveal here, of course!)”
As many of you know here, I am a huge Barbara Mahany fan (Well more than that. I owe her my deepest gratitude for seeing me. for holding my heart-prayer. for helping give form and words to my frozen-shy voice).
Every Friday I wait. I sift through the mountain of morning marketing emails littering and loitering in my inbox. I seek out her blog post, ‘pull up a chair’, a heart treasure read (worthy of subscribing to if you do not already, and I do not say that lightly. I know all too well the too muchness of email-land overtaking each of our worlds) .
This past week's post is one to reread “100x” as my meditation teacher would say when she wanted a teaching to penetrate to the bone, a teaching that was gold. It begins with…
“when i take a deep breath in tonight, and close my eyes to make a wish, there is only one wish i’m wishing this year: i wish for a birthday next year…
…the blessing of cancer––and yes there are blessings, ones the sages and prophets all seem to have known without needing the verdict, without the scalawag cells lurking in shadows, cells that can’t wait to divide and multiply and muck up the works––is that it rejiggers your seeing.”
There is a litany of holy wishes, the personal that are universal. As I read each wish, there were no words, only an upwelling of soft tears gentle as an unexpected spring rain, nourishing the soil of my heart and soul because who does not know this place of prayer-wishes. All the tiny moments of our life, strung together into a strand of hard earned pearls, making our life holy, and whole. All the wishes, the things we long to not miss this life. Give a read.
Barbara closes her post with her favorite after-Christmas prayer-poem from Howard Thurman (the sacred work of our era), sharing here too–
The Work of Christmas
When the song of the angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flock,
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost,
To heal the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among others,
To make music in the heart.
— Howard Thurman
“….what one wish will you make this year?”
🌸 NEXT FRIDAY JOIN US | Ask for A Word for 2025
“Listen long in the Silence that the Word
may be heard,
that decisions arise from the depths
of your Inner Being where
Wisdom dwells.”
— Nan Merrill
Come join me next Friday for Anchor into a Word for 2025. A beautiful offering to guide your year, a way to ask the Holy, what is needed for you this year. Let a word choose you.
Friday, Jan 17, 2025
10 am - 1 pm
Wini Nimrod & Julie Fedeli
An ancient practice to anchor your 2025
This three-hour mini-retreat day, we will spend our time exploring practices to open into a word that shimmers into your heart. A word to grow with, to be ‘Teacher’ for you, to guide and anchor your 2025
Learn more details and sign-up here
(Space limited to 18)
🌸 Closing Song | Begin the Year with Light ✨
Oh my this was sent to me by a dear friend. What a find! Give a listen.
The whole album ‘Warriors of Light' by Radhika Vekaria is beyond gorgeous, stirs the soul, stirs prayer. A 2025 GRAMMY nominee for Best New Age, Ambient, or Chant Album Award.
"The essence of spirituality remains strong on Warriors of Light"
- Rolling Stone India
"A soul-stirring offering that captures something universally human."
- Earmilk
Begin here with the first of nine tracks:
Track 1: Asato Ma Sadgamaya (Purification Prayer) an invocation for truth and enlightenment, an evocative song setting for the album.(3:07 min)
Track 6: The Call. a spoken word piece calling in the spiritual journey (4:23 min)
Track 9: a chant for universal peace and happiness.(2:39 min)
Listen to here to Radhika in her own words explain the purification prayer:
Lead me from untruth to truth
Lead me from darkness (ignorance) to light
Lead me from death (mortality) to immortality .
Let there be Peace,
Let there be peace, peace
Listen on YouTube here (3:07 min)
🌸 Thank you for being here! Please share on, to a friend who might need dollops of goodness for their heart. Click here to subscribe
Enjoying Metta? Some folks chip in here to help support me and my work. Please consider making a donation to support the unfolding bloom of Metta, warmth and care, out into the world ( thank you for the kind words🙏). May we
✨ bloom more Light
💞 more Goodness
🌎 more gorgeous-tenderness on our planet.
*Venmo : https://venmo.com/u/Winifred-Nimrod
Zelle: wininim@gmail.com or 847.312.9313
….Until next week. 💖 ✨